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Emotional Wellness Blog


Therapeutic Tuesday!

Word of the Day: Control

Control, according to Oxford, is defined as "the ability to influence or steer people's conduct or the course of events." Many people, I believe, struggle with concerns of control. It's one of those things where folks overlook the warning signs. We're witnessing a lot of situations that highlight how easy it is for someone, somewhere, or something to lose control.

Control in relationships

Control in a relationship is characterized as a man directing his girlfriend how to dress when she should be home and what she should do, and with whom she should or should not communicate. Control in a relationship might include things like checking his phone every night, purposely getting pregnant and using the child to keep the man imprisoned in the relationship, and luring a man by wearing overly revealing clothes in order to encourage him to pay your expenses or rent.

Control in relationships is demonstrated by insecure men who emotionally abuse their wives in order to feel better and acquire control over their emotions. This acceptance could be dangerous since the person will be aware of your sensitivities and will continue to abuse you. Knowing someone has affections for you but rejecting them or playing on their emotions by dating or showing affection to someone else in front of them is a form of control. Because you're aware of the person's feelings and know that executing this action would lead them to feel anything, it's a form of control.

Control is shown by a parent who uses guilt to get their child to pay money or purchase things. "I gave birth to you," or "everything I've done for you," are two examples of strategies that may cause a youngster to feel guilty and give in to your demands. A parent who uses their position of authority to intimidate a child into remaining silent about things that the child knows is wrong. A parent forcibly compelling their child to lie or consent to a false story is an example. Another example is a child who has been assaulted by a powerful figure but has been silenced because they are afraid to tell anyone.

Control can also take the form of a child being molested by her mother's boyfriend, but the mother refuses to believe her, and the boyfriend is fully aware of her denial, highlighting the toys and clothes he purchased her in order to keep the abuse going. To accomplish what he wants, the lover is abusing his power over the mother and child.

Another example that we frequently witness is among the parental figures. Offspring born into families with parents who have not recovered from their own troubles or childhood traumas will pass on their parent's actions and attitudes to their children. A parent with control difficulties makes absurd restrictions and expects their child to follow them, abusing their authority as a parent.

Control in the workplace

In the business sector, control can resemble a director who is appointed to this position in order to wield power. This director then decides to begin making various modifications to the firm or program and dictating specifics in order to feel as if they are accomplishing something, but also to maintain control and make life tough for the employees. This is frequently a person who has never held a position of authority or has struggled with a controlling parent or spouse.

Control anywhere

Even the things we see on TV and hear in our music can be used to exert control. We see control everywhere, but the awful part is that it is all hidden; too bad our typical Joes don't grasp what it means. In recent headlines, control has been used to force a group of people to do something they may not agree with, even though it is their choice and right. Nonetheless, if they do not do "something," they may be in danger.

There are several examples, and we witness this behavior on a regular basis; the question is, how do I manage or stop these behaviors? To see the change, individuals must first desire it strongly enough. Most people enjoy having authority and being in command of someone, somewhere, or something. These behaviors are typically formed during childhood, and it's important to remember that children are sponges until the age of five, after which everything that happens after that becomes a part of their subconscious mind (behaviors), which continues and intensifies throughout adolescence and adulthood.

Therefore, it's so important for people to take the necessary steps to heal and grow into better versions of themselves. Let us be the change that we so much desire!

Be well.

I figured I'd tackle a problem that appears to be in desperate need of attention. "Sympathetic pity and care for the pains or misfortunes of others," according to the textbook definition of compassion. Fortunately, I was born with the ability to feel compassion for others, but having too much sympathy for someone who doesn't even have compassion for themselves might be dangerous. It took me a long time to grasp the concept of feeling compassion for individuals who harm you. Let me tell you, this isn't a simple task. "How could I have compassion for someone who purposefully harmed me?" I'd ask myself.

Because you never know what a person is going through or what their situation is, it is critical to exhibit compassion for people. Is this a sign that I should let it go? Well, that's something you'd have to work out for yourself. Because some people are spiritually absent or clueless, it's not always the person who is mistreating you. Compassion is what separates you from the jealous or envious individual who knows nothing about you or your process yet despises you. Have compassion; sometimes something you do or your general presence irritates someone, making them feel inferior or inferior. They'd never confess it, but they know it's because of their insecurities. Have sympathy for these people since they don't know any better; if a person loves himself sufficiently, they won't need compassion. It all starts from within.

You must have sympathy in some circumstances for folks who have outbursts and project their negative feelings onto those who had nothing to do with their problems. Have compassion on these folks; they're hurting and seeking someone to blame, and they're probably going through some internal turmoil. Does this imply that I should provide them with "get out of jail free" treatment? No. Simply forgive them, show compassion, and go the opposite path.

Compassion drives people to go out of their way to help others and themselves who are suffering from physical, mental, or emotional distress. Some people are so engrossed in a way of life and/or thinking that they are oblivious to their actions and statements (I emphasize sometimes). People usually know, but they wish you don't. Again, feel compassion for these people; they have no idea what's going on.

We're all just people! We live in a world that is quietly but steadily deteriorating and losing its value.

Our society lacks compassion in a world that rewards and are all about power and profit. We're all just people! We're all hurting, feeling, and trying to get back on our feet. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your poor behavior and stop being a victim. You did or said it because you wanted to, and it made you feel good at the moment. I can sympathize with you, but I can assure you that you will never have the opportunity to do so again. Not to mention our current events. During these tough and challenging days, I hope everyone stays safe and sane. As a result of the epidemic, mental health rates have increased. People have been crumbling under strain, as I've noticed. Personally, I've always understood how bad some people can be, but I've seen a lot of people's true colors shown. People, places, and things are being revealed to be exactly who and what they are. During this pandemic, many people have lost their lives, relatives, friends, careers, assets, and even their minds. Some people have shown compassion for others by volunteering, donating, lending a hand, or providing low-cost or no-cost services to those in need.

I must admit, some humility has been quite beneficial. Regrettably, there is still a significant part to account for. Many people have treated others badly, and the pandemic has been used to take and harm people. Some people, I believe, forget that we are all humans, that we all bleed, that we all pain, and that we all have the option of living a good or poor life. Anything, good or horrible, might happen to any of us at any time, with the snap of a finger! Have empathy for others, since it might have been you!

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Dance Therapy

Utilization in People with Psychological & Physiological Issues

Did You Know?

Dance therapy has the potential to cut negative emotions, create mindfulness, improve self-expression, and promote healthy well-being. Today, dance instructions for children and adults are widely considered as one of the regular activities that can help an individual with developing mindfulness, emotional stability, and improving self-expression.

Centers for disease control and Prevention describes mental health as being important at every stage of life (from childhood and adolescence throughout your adulthood). Our mental health makes up of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is important that we are healthy and stable mentally, as this part of our development affects how we think, feel, and act towards ourselves and others.

Mental health illnesses are known and unknown conditions that affect a persons' thoughts, feelings, moods, and even behaviors. Some of these may include but are not limited to the following: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.

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